Some of the scientists have found a way to reverse the aging of human cells, which could provide answers about how to treat age-related disease.

1) Gene Therapy 
2) Nano Technology
3) Head  Transplantation.
4) Mind Uploading and cloning
5) Cryonic Preservation

Gene Therapy  by Telomerase 

  • Our chromosomes have protective structures located at their ends called telomerease. These protect our chromosomes by preventing them from damage or fusion with other chromosomes.
  • scientific research into aging are tiny caps on the ends of our chromosomes called telomeres.which safeguard the ends of chromosomes from unwanted and unwarranted DNA rearrangements that destabilize the genome.

  • Each time the cell divides, the telomeric DNA shrinks and will eventually fail to secure the chromosome ends. This continuous reduction of telomerase length functions as a "molecular clock" that counts down to the end of cell growth.
  • cells to grow is strongly associated with the aging process, with the reduced cell population directly contributing to weakness, illness, and organ failure.
  • Once we develop chronic, age-related diseases.Quality of life is greatly reduced in the disease-span
  •  This mechanism explains aging – it is one of the ways in which we age.
  •  why telomerase length is regarded as a marker for the biological age of a person — in contrast to their chronological age. For example, if there are two people with the same chronological age, the person with shorter telomerase has an increased risk of developing age-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s or cancer, and even a shorter life expectancy.
  • Scientist are saying that if  we can increase Length of Telomerase or mantain constantly. we can live forever

Nano Technology

  • Worldwide, scientists and technocrats are busy in research to create nano-robots, ‘nanobot’ or nanomedibots
  • There are two ways in which nanotechnology may be able to extend our lives. One is by helping from life-threatening diseases such as cancer, and the other is by repairing damaged cells in our body by nanobots
  •  Nanotechnology can reduce the number of deaths from conditions such as cancer and heart disease etc

Curing Cancer:

  • chemotherapy method uses one nanoparticle to deliver a chemotherapy drug and a separate nanoparticle to guide the drug carrier to the cancer tumor. 
  • First gold nanorods circulating through the bloodstream exit where the blood vessels are leaking at the site of cancer tumors.
  •  Once the nanorods accumulate at the tumor they are used to concentrate the heat from infrared light, heating up the tumor. 
  • This heat increases the level of a stress related protein on the surface of the tumor. The drug carrying nanoparticle (a liposome) is attached to amino acids that bind to this protein, so the increased level of protein at the tumor speeds up the accumulation of the chemotherapy drug-carrying liposome at the tumor
  • Magnetic nanoparticles that attach to cancer cells in the blood stream may allow the cancer cells to be removed before they establish new cell.

Preventing Heart Disease:

  • Another major killer in our time is heart disease.
  • Researchers at the University of Santa Barbara have developed a nanoparticle that can deliver drugs to plaque on the wall of arteries. They attach a protein called a peptide to a nanoparticle which then binds with the surface of plaque. Studies have verified that the peptide attaches the nanoparticle to plaque. The researchers plan to use these nanoparticles to deliver imaging particles and drugs to both diagnosis and treat the condition.

Extending Life by Repairing Cells:

  • Most exciting possibility exists in the potential for repairing our bodies at the cellular level. Techniques for building nanorobots are being developed that should make the repair of our cells possible.
  •  For example, as we age, DNA in our cells is damaged by radiation or chemicals in our bodies. Nanorobots would be able to repair the damaged DNA and allow our cells to function correctly.
  • This ability to repair DNA and other defective components in our cells goes beyond keeping us healthy: it has the potential to  restore our bodies to a more youthful condition.

Mind Uploading and cloning

  • Imagine that a person’s brain could be scanned in great detail and recreated in a computer simulation. The person’s mind and memories, emotions and personality would be duplicated. 
  • In effect, a new and equally valid version of that person would now exist, in a potentially immortal, digital form. 

Cryonic Preservation

  • There are two main stages to cryonic preservation. Moments or minutes after the heart stops, circulation needs to be maintained so that the brain avoids injury through the lack of oxygen and glucose.
  • Thereafter, blood and water in the body is replaced with cryoprotectants before being cooled. The cryoprotectants prevent the formation of ice crystals which can cause damage to cell membranes.
  • The process of deep cooling without freezing is known as vitrification.
  • The brain is one of the first to sustain damage, and it can survive for up to about six minutes after the heart stops. Detached limbs can be re-attached hours or even days without blood circulation if refrigerated.

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